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The European Arabidopsis Stock Centre

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Search result for 'form photo '. Viewing records 141 to 143 of 143 hits.

N8064 Name: pinoid Price: £11.00
  • Monash University David Smyth
Locus Photo
photo of Arabidopsis plant
Stock type: individual line
Material type: seed

Flowering, Form
strong allele; cotyledons often increased in number and defective in size and shape; apical meristem usually produces limited number of flowers before termination with a long pin-like stem; stem elongates between individual flowers; no defect on polar auxin transport; floral organs are abnormal in structure, size, number and spacing within whorls; average number of sepals and stamens per flower is reduced while the number of petals is increased, stem-like gynoecium; maintained as heterozygote; backcrossed once.
N8101 Name: David Meinke Price: £11.00
  • Oklahoma State University David Meinke
Locus Photo
photo of Arabidopsis plant
Stock type: individual line
Material type: seed

embryo lethal; viviparous embryos with cotyledons partially transformed into leaves; embryos sensitive to abscisic acid; embryos have reduced hypocotyl, cotyledons that remain green late in development, and reduced protein and lipid bodies; some trichomes form on cotyledons after germination; internal cells of cotyledons enlarge, vacuolate and resemble leaf mesophyll cells; intercellular spaces are prominant in cotyledons; enlarged shoot apical meristem; stomata are found on surface of cotyledons of mutant embryos; mature seeds are desiccation intolerant; root apex is active in viviparous seeds; immature mutant embryos germinated prior to desiccation produce plants that appear normal for other characteristics; maintained as heterozygote.
N2110865 Name: Je-1 Price: £11.00
  • Friedrich-Schiller Universität Jena Teresa Mayer
  • Schiller Universität Jena Matthew Agler
Stock type: individual line
Material type: seed

Plants were collected and transferred to the laboratory in spring 2018 and were allowed to produce seeds which we collected. One individual plant of each population was grown over two more generations and seeds were collected to generate homozygous lines. Growth conditions: 16 hours day, 8 hours night, 23°C during day, 18°C during night.