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The European Arabidopsis Stock Centre

NASC Stock Detail Page

NASC ID: N25261

Name: ARR5:GUS

ABRC stock number: CS25261

Description: Transgenic line harboring the ARR5 promoter fused to the beta-glucuronidase (GUS) reporter gene; kanamycin resistant

Donation Date: 2006-05-25

Donated by:  University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Joe Kieber

Donor Number: ARR5:GUS

Stock type: individual line

Material type: seed

Status Price (£)
Available £11.00

Germplasm Info

Seed type: Promoter reporter line

Mutagen: T-DNA Insertion

Background: Ws


High increase in reporter activity in response to cytokinin; primarily expressed in the root and shoot meristems in the absence of exogenous cytokinin; in the presence of 10 nM benzyladenine (BA), the expression region is enlarged to include tissues around the shoot meristematic region; strong expression is induced in all tissues in the root, from the hypocotyl-root junction through the root tip.


To, J.P. et al. 2004. Type-A Arabidopsis response regulators are partially redundant negative regulators of cytokinin signaling. The Plant cell 16(3):658-71.PubMed ID: 14973166.