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The European Arabidopsis Stock Centre

NASC Stock Detail Page

NASC ID: N3854

Name: argonaute

ABRC stock number: CS3854

Description: Form

Donation Date: 2001-08-16

Donated by:  University of Wisconsin, Madison Kathy Barton
University of Wisconsin, Madison Karyn Lynn

Donor Number: KL452-4

Stock type: individual line

Material type: seed

Status Price (£)
Available £11.00

Germplasm Info

Seed type: Mutant

Mutagen: ethylmethane sulfonate

Background: Ler (Landsberg erecta)

Growth requirement: plant on MS plates with 10uM gibberellin (GA3) to get good germination of the homozygous

Segregation: Yes

Associated Polymorphisms

When available, select a locus to display it at the AIP or view the EMBL record at the EBI.

Gene: Allele: Locus: AGI code:
  • ago1-8
  • AGO




embryos have cotyledon primordia splayed apart; seedlings fail to unbend upon emergency from the seed coat causing poor germination without gibberellin in the medium; narrow cotyledons; presumptive shoot apical meristem (SAM) in embryo is enlarged; SAM produces very small narrow or radial leaves and infrequently terminates activity after production of a single pin-shaped organ (similar to the pinhead phenotype) which eventually becomes a crown of arrested organ primordia; axillary meristems are rare but frequency increase at low temperature; narrow or radial floral organs, not self fertile; backcrossed once to wild type; maintained as heterozygote.


Lynn, K. et al. 1999. The PINHEAD/ZWILLE gene acts pleiotropically in Arabidopsis development and has overlapping functions with the ARGONAUTE1 gene. Development 126(3):469-481 PubMed ID: 9876176.